

Since October 2023 Almost every photo you have seen from Gaza since then has come through an eSIM. Over 450,000 eSIMs have been donated through Connecting Humanity. Without your generosity Gaza would be totally isolated, eSIMs are saving lives and showing the world the genocide.

Here are just a few messages coming from those who have been able to use our eSIMs in Gaza.

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How To Donate?

Follow these steps to donate an eSIM:

  1. Buy and donate eSIMs directly to Connecting Humanity
  2. Donate money to Crips for eSIMs for Gaza.

Important: Please only send eSIMs to gazaesims@gmail.com. There are other sites that ask for you to upload eSIMs; these are not genuine.

If you are in Gaza and need an eSIM please contact or mention @Connectinghu_ or @SpeakUp_00 on Twitter (X).

Option 1: Donate eSIMs Directly

Follow these steps to donate an eSIM:

  • Buy eSIMs from one of the following providers
  • DO NOT activate the eSIMs
  • Find the QR code in the E-Mail
  • Screenshot the QR code
  • Send the screenshot to gazaesims@gmail.com
    1. Please make sure the QR code is readable
    2. It must be a QR code, not a receipt or anything else
    3. Put the expiration date in the subject line (optional)

eSIM Providers

Here are some recommended eSIM providers:

- Needed
Simly - Palestine

Option 2: Donate to Crips for eSIMs for Gaza

Crips for eSIMs for Gaza is a disability rights campaign to fundraise to provide eSIMs for people in Gaza. Your donations fund the eSIMs we send to Gaza. This is a good option if you:

  • Are not confident making the purchase of an eSIM and sending it
  • Want to make a larger donation of several eSIMs


How to see eSIMs being used

We are helping people in a genocide who are being bombed, killed, shot and displaced. They might take the eSIM and be killed before activating it or their phone may be lost or destroyed. They may walk many miles and search for several days for a stable internet connection.

If your eSim hasn't been activated in a few days: Reforward the email to them (gazaesims@gmail.com) and put the expiration date in the subject line. Don't worry if your eSIM is about to expire or has expired simply reach out to the eSIM company to renew it.

How to top up an eSIM

An eSIM can be used by dozens of people connecting to one device, it is common for the data to be used quickly. When an eSIM has been used please help the people using it to stay connected by topping it up.

  • Nomad
  • Holafly
  • Simly
  • Mogo
  • Airalo